Monday, November 17, 2014

Who is controlling your mind?

In continuation with my previous post 
Can somebody else/something else control your thoughts? The female protagonist in my forthcoming novel feels that her mind and thoughts are being controlled by an external agency. What could that external agency be?
  • Could it be a supernatural power (God, demons, spirits or some kind of magic)?
  • Could it be extraterrestrial life? 
  • Does extraterrestrial life exist in reality? Even though humans have always speculated the occurrence of ET, till date there has been no direct evidence regarding its occurrence.
  •  If no one has ever seen aliens, how can the female protagonist in my novel see them so clearly and vividly describe their exact appearance too?
  • Why is it that only she can see them and no one else can?

·        Okay, even if one believes that the aliens do exist, why would they come to earth, just to control thoughts of only a single person? Would they be able to survive in the earth’s environment? How will they communicate? Would they be able to understand our language?
·        There are numerous such questions which may come in one’s mind.

                                      If aliens do exist, do they look like this? 

To be honest if a third person whom I am not close to tells me that his/her thoughts are being controlled by someone/something else; I would not believe them and may not even give this a second thought. However, if someone close to me, someone whom I care about and I deeply trust mentions the same thing, I probably would try to convince them once that nothing like this exists. However, if still they keep persisting about the same, I might get deeply concerned. That does not imply that I would start believing in the existence of supernatural power or the aliens. I do strongly believe in The Almighty, but not all in the existence of demons, spirits or any kind of magic. I might start believing in the existence of extraterrestrial life, if someday scientists are able to present some concrete evidence. Till that time how should a person react to such a situation?

What would you do, if faced with a similar dilemma?


  1. The cause could be Paranoid Schizophrenia. The patient loses touch with reality and starts getting bouts of paranoid delusions, hallucinations, and also hearing voices. All these symptoms are out of control. The treatment is available and very effective.
    - Tahir Qureshi
